

In order to install hisock, you must clone it on Github. It is located here. You can either clone it with the website or Github Desktop, but you can also clone it with Git:

$ git clone

Then, copy-paste the module into your code, and it should work!


I’m aware that hisock has not been published to PyPI yet, so it is extremely weird to just copy-paste a module into your code. However, after I learn how to publish a package on PyPI, hisock will be published on there, and this page will be updated to include the PyPI installation


Examples are located in the ./examples directory in hisock. You can take a look at some of them. The basic client-server examples are:


Basic example of the structure of `hisock`. This is the client script.
Not an advanced example, but gets the main advantages of hisock across

import time

from hisock import connect, get_local_ip

server_to_connect = input("Enter server IP to connect to (Press enter for default of your local IP): ")
port = input("Enter Server port number (Press enter for default of 6969): ")

if server_to_connect == '':
    server_to_connect = get_local_ip()

if port == '':
    port = 6969
    port = int(port)

name = input("Name? (Press enter for no name) ")
group = input("Group? (Press enter for no group) ")

print("======================================= ESTABLISHING CONNECTION =======================================")

if name == '':
    name = None
if group == '':
    group = None

join_time = time.time()

s = connect(
    (server_to_connect, port),
    name=name, group=group)

def handle_hello(msg):
    print("Thanks, server, for sending a hello, just for me!")
    print(f"Looks like, the message was sent on timestamp {msg.decode()}, "
          f"which is just {round(float(msg.decode()) - join_time, 6) * 1000} milliseconds since the connection!")
    print("In response, I'm going to send the server a request to do some processing")

    s.send("processing1", b"randnum**2")
    result = int(s.recv_raw())

    print(f"WHOAAA! The result is {result}! Thanks server!")

while True:


import sys
import time
import random

from hisock import start_server, get_local_ip, iptup_to_str

ADDR = get_local_ip()
PORT = 6969

if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    ADDR = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
    PORT = int(sys.argv[2])

print(f"Serving at {ADDR}")
server = start_server((ADDR, PORT))

def client_join(client_data):
    print(f"Cool, {':'.join(map(str, client_data['ip']))} joined!")
    if client_data['name'] is not None:
        print(f"    - With a sick name \"{client_data['name']}\", very cool!")
    if client_data['group'] is not None:
        print(f"    - In a sick group \"{client_data['group']}\", cool!")

    print("I'm gonna send them a quick hello message")

    server.send_client(client_data['ip'], "hello_message", str(time.time()).encode())

def process(client, process_request: str):
    print(f"\nAlright, looks like {iptup_to_str(client['ip'])} received the hello message, "
          "\nas now they're trying to compute something on the server, because they have "
          "potato computers")
    print("Their processing request is:", process_request)

    for _ in range(process_request.count("randnum")):
        randnum = str(random.randint(1, 100000000))
        process_request = process_request.replace("randnum", randnum, 1)

    result = eval(process_request)  # Insecure, but I'm lazy, so...
    print(f"Cool! The result is {result}! I'mma send it to the client")
    server.send_client_raw(client['ip'], str(result).encode())

while True: